Spoke with Dayah Babulimi's children

Picture: Ina Nasution spoke with Dayah Babulilmi's children
Spoke with Dayah children
I took the opportunity to talk to these children. I want to learn more about their background, and most of all, I would like to give them motivation and spirits to move on. They came from very poor family. Most of their parents did not even graduate from elementary school. They lack the motivation, guidance, let alone vision to improve their condition.
I use the Quranic approach to talk to these children. I quoted the first sentence that came to Prophet Muhammad through Gabriel, Iqro , means Read!. I said Allah gave all of us instruction to read from early on. If you read, if you keep on reading, you will gain some information, some knowledge that might be useful for you, for your future. I took an example of my late grandmother, Tinur M. Nur. She came from a small village in West Sumatra. Her parents were not educated. However she went to school, he loved to read a lot. She learned a lot from books she read. She was a determined woman, she became an Islamic study teacher ustadzah for more than 30 years in Central Java, and traveled to many countries, including going to Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. I encouraged them to have a vision, to have a dream. Insha Allah, you will find your way.
Gift for the children
I brought a little gift for the tsunami survivors: school bags. I asked Tengku Munir, the principal of Dayah Babulilmi to distribute the bags for these children. They were extremely happy. For some of them, this bag is their first bag.
(I am glad to take the time to shop for bags for these children. These bags cost only Rp 15,000 to Rp 22,500 per bag – equivalent to about $2 to $3 per bag- , from donors through Hope 4 Our Children. The thrill of sharing this happiness with them is priceless.)
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