helping hands of U.S. children for Acehnese children

Following tsunami, people from all walk of life mourned, helped and contributed what they can to the tsunami victims. The donors were not only professionals or housewifes, but also elementary school children.
Hope 4 Our Children received donation from at least two schools, Al-Fatih Academy in Virginia and Waterford Elementary School (through their PTO). They did not only convey their concern and express their condolences, but they took an extra step to help the tsunami survivors by collecting funds for them. Those children were able to raise more than $3,000 in total!! In addition, girl scout children of Sterling, Virginia also participated in the fundraising event held by John Stevens (Dragonslayer Application), by singing and donating (see picture).
These funds were allocated 100% for the contruction and refurbishment in Dayah Subulussalam orphanage boarding school.
With their donation, Al-Fatih children also sent their letters to the tsunami victims. They sent their condolenses to those Acehnese orphans. I was not fully aware of this, until an Acehnese child gave me a response to an Al-Fatih's child letter. During my visit, I took my time to collect replies from Acehnese children.
(Dayah Subulussalam children responded and wrote back letters to US children thanking them for their thoughtfulness and for their help. I received more than 20 letters to bring home with me.)
I was extremely touched by how much of a difference a small kind gesture from a child can make and can effect another; how priceless those children's contribution were, by taking a step to raise fund and donate, as well as expressing their condolences and thoughts to help those Acehnese children heal.
I ended my journey to Aceh by inserting all those letters into my plastic folder. I will keep them safe until I can hand them to AlFatih children or Waterfold Elementary school children. This trip has been so fulfiling. I just can't express how much a small gesture, small amount of money can stretch a long way here in Aceh. hope I can convey the message accross on my short blogs.
Ina Nasution
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