Success Stories
Since its inception in 2005, Hope 4 Our Children has been providing small scaled projects with the hope to give impacts to the lives of economically disadvantaged children.
Livelihood skills and Education. Education is critical to making a change in children’s lives. Yet for many children, education and livelihood skills trainings are still beyond reach. Hope 4 Our Children envision that livelihood skills open doors for economically disadvantaged children to pursue their dream. In 2006, Hope 4 Our Children started livelihood training of baking at Subulussalam Orphanage Boarding School in Aceh by funding various cooking equipment to make cookies and cakes. The live-in children were given responsibility to make cookies and cake to sell as a source of income for the institution. One of the live-in children was an orphan girl named Subur. She mastered her cookery skill when she was given the responsibility to make cookies at the Orphanage Boarding School while completing her High School Degree. With a specific culinary skill of baking black forest cakes, Subur was able to finance her entire college education. It was the cookery skill that she learned at the Orphanage Boarding School that enable her achieve her bachelor degree in 2011. Her brother, Jujuri, followed Subur’s footstep in making and selling cakes. He will be completing his bachelor degree by the end of 2011.
“...The livelihood skills training started with cake and cookies production and chicken farm that Hope 4 Our Children financed in 2006. … These skills have proven to help generate extra income for orphans to complete their bachelor degree. The routine schedules of cooking responsibilities help them learn to multitask between their study and their cooking obligation for the institution. It is self management skill that helps them get through. …There were at least 10 orphans who received their bachelor degree after Subussalam Orphanage Boarding School implemented projects with Hope 4 Our Children’s help. … These livelihood workshops not only help train the orphans, but also generate extra income for the Orphanage Boarding School in order to bring in more orphans in need of assistance.”—Elly Risman, Director of Subulussalam Orphanage Boarding School, Aceh
Sustainable Economic Development. Hope 4 Our Children works to create a lasting, sustainable program for economically disadvantaged children. We recently learned that an orphanage Boarding School that Hope 4 Our Children helped in 2006 received recognition in June 2011 as a model orphanage boarding school in provincial level of Aceh. They were given an award because of its live in students’ partaking in home economics programs (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga). This is a huge accomplishment for an orphanage boarding school that had an influx of 87 tsunami orphans in 2004 with no hope to provide its live in children with merely food. Hope 4 Our Children came in to Dayah Babulilmi in early 2005 with funding to build a dorm for 100 live-in girls mostly being tsunami orphans, and the duck farm project. As the dorm construction was completed and occupied with orphan girls, and the duck farm has started to produce 100 eggs daily, private donors and local government officials began to give notice to the institution’s significant development. From various donors, they bought embroidery and sewing machines and trained its students. In the backyard, they plant traditional remedies from various Indonesian herbs. They built and rent out paddy granary that brings in sufficient profit to secure its 150 live in students to pay for school fees and uniform for formal education. Throughout the years after the tsunami, those live in orphans eagerly participate in various livelihood trainings and grow to be more involved in establishing the institution’s home economics program and income generating activities. Accomplishment like this one makes it clear that we are headed in the right direction.